![](/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/chart_total_alltime_2009_06-500x344.gif" alt=“chart_total_alltime_2009_06” width=“500” height=“344” srcset="/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/chart_total_alltime_2009_06-500x344.gif 500w, /wp-content/uploads/2009/06/chart_total_alltime_2009_06.gif 560w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" />]1

The best DNS service on the net, OpenDNS, receives 14 billion DNS request a day now!! Yup, 14 billion hits a day!! At pick time they process about 200,000 hits/sec which is mind blowing.

A new location is planned for Amsterdam in a few months and also Asia hopefully. We need a location in Asia to speed things up. With our slow international links even OpenDNS can sometimew feel slugish. This could be the reason why companies here have yet to switched over.

The system status page has also been updated to include DNS requests per day now. See below,

I’ve been on OpenDNS for a long time now. I use it at work, home and while I travel. It’s easy, quick and gives me peace of mind to know that my nephew who’s 4 does not end up on wrong sites while he’s learning the internet.

I urge everyone to start using OpenDNS. It plays a key roll in keeping your internet experiense secure and safe.

To get started simply replace your current DNS server entries with the OpenDNS ones. “” , “” .

Source: [OpenDNS Blog][5]

[4]: /wp-content/uploads/2009/06/OpenDNS-System.png) [5]: http://blog.opendns.com/