
Firefox 3.5 is fast, no doubt there. These guys are too, fast at what they do. So, it’s only fit that Mozilla feature them on it’s  [Fastest Firefox][2] campaign site.

The world’s fastest clapper, [Kent French.][3] [Watch the Video][4]

The world’s fastert sport stacker, [Steven Purugganan][5]. [Watch the Video][6]

The world’s fastest benjo player, [Todd Taylor.][7] [Watch the Video][8]

The world’s fastest talking female, [FranCapo][9]. She was the lady in main video doing the intro.

[1]: /wp-content/uploads/2009/07/background-fastest.png) [2]: http://www.fastestfirefox.com/ [3]: http://www.fastestclapper.com/ [4]: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/video?video=fastest-clapper [5]: http://www.worldsportstackingassociation.org/ [6]: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/video?video=fastest-sport-stacker [7]: http://www.toddtaylorbanjoman.com/ [8]: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/video?video=fastest-banjo [9]: http://www.francapo.com/