Firefox 3.1 beta 1 is out.
What’s new?
- Web standards improvements in the Gecko layout engine
- Added support for CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 properties
- A new tab-switching shortcut that shows previews of the tab you’re switching to
- Improved control over the Smart Location Bar using special characters to restrict your search
- Support for new web technologies such as the and elements, the W3C Geolocation API, JavaScript query selectors, web worker threads, SVG transforms and offline applications.
[See more…][2]
Besides most of my extensions not working Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 seems to be pretty stable.
![](" alt=“Firefox-3.1-Beta-1” width=“500” height=“313” />][3]
[Download Firefox 3.1 Beta 1][4] or if you prefer the [nightly builds][5].
Remember!! Betas are not for everyone, their meant for developers and testers.
Source: [Mozilla Dev][6]
[1]: /wp-content/uploads/2008/05/firefoxlogopi91.png) [2]: [3]: “Firefox-3.1-Beta-1 by Danesh Manoharan, on Flickr” [4]: [5]: [6]: