Picked up a new book over the weekend. Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth by Martin C. Brown. ISBN:0471790095

The book covers the implementation of the Google Maps API version 1 through JavaScript and HTML. Google Maps API is currently at version 2 but fully supports version 1.

Break down of the book;

Part I. Basics.

Chapter 1. Using Geographical Information.

Chapter 2. The Google Local Interface.

Chapter 3. The GoogleMaps API.

Chapter 4. The Google Web API.

Chapter 5. Storing and Sharing Information.

Part II. Instant Gratification.

Chapter 6. Working with Existing Address Information.

Chapter 7. Extending the Google API Examples.

Chapter 8. Discovering Overlays and Mash-ups.

Part III. Google Map Hacks.

Chapter 9. Using Overlays.

Chapter 10. Overlaying Statistical Data.

Chapter 11. Building a Community Site.

Chapter 12. The Realtors and Archaeologists Toolkit.

Chapter 13. I Need to Get To.

Chapetr 14. Merging with Flickr Photos.

Part IV. Google Earth Hacks.

Chapter 15. Introducing Google Earth.

Chapter 16. Generating Google Earth Feeds.

Chapter 17. History and Planning with Google Earth.

Appendix. Resources.
