Most of my movie and audio files are on my Linux box.  Currently, I use ps3mediaserver to get all my media across to my PS3 which is my media center. Aaaaa… the simplicity is just amazing.

PS3mediaserver is Java based and getting it set-up is a breeze. Here’s how,

  1. Download the tar package. Remember to download the most recent version. Look here

[danesh@jackal ~]$ wget

  1. Extract the download tar package.

[danesh@jackal ~]$ tar -zxvf pms-linux-1.10.5.tgz

  1. Go in to the new extracted foder and start the server by executing the “” script. Also, remember to give execute rights to the “” script by running chmod +x.

`[danesh@jackal ~]$ chmod +x

That’s it, turn on your ps3 and start enjoying your new media server.

[3]: /wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Screenshot-Java-PS3-Media-Server-v1.10.5.png)