My Firefox freezes up when I have too many flash videos loading at the same time. Wrote a simple script to restart Firefox every time this happens.
#simple script to kill and restart firefox
#20th August 2007
#Writen by Danesh aka Danny
#look for the firefox PID`` PID=
ps -ef | grep firefox-bin | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’``
#locate firefox executable`` FIRE=
which firefox``
#kill firefoxCMD=�kill -9 $PID�
#pause for 2 seconds``
sleep 2``
#start firefoxCMD=�$FIRE�
$CMD &``
#End of script`
I will be adding more functionality to the script in the future. Once sure feature will be the ability to choose either to kill all running instances or just kill a specific instance.