
ShowYourself is a widget for for websites that displays all the web 2.0 sites or any social networks you belong to. For example Friendster, MySpace, YouTube, etc…..

What I like about the ShowYourself widget is the fact that I don’t need to register a profile to utilize the widget. There is a similiar widget from the people at [Wink][2] that I will talk about in my next post. Wink needs you to register for a profile but it’s functionality differs when compared with ShowYourself.

Generate your own ShowYourself widget using the simple template and copy the resulting code into your blog/site to have the widget show up.

[Start working on your widget here.][3]

Screenshot of the widget available on the next page.

Comments about the widget?

Source : [ShowYourself][3]

[1]: /wp-content/uploads/2007/09/showyourself_v11.png) [2]: http://wink.com [3]: http://www.dbachrach.com/showyourself/ [4]: /wp-content/uploads/2007/09/showyourself.png)