Arista EOS: Management Interface IP

Follow the steps below to assign or change the IP address on the management interface on a Arista swtich. localhost> en localhost# configure localhost(config)# interface management 1 localhost(config-if-Ma1)# ip address localhost(config-if-Ma1)# show active interface Management 1 ip address localhost(config-if-Ma1)# exit localhost(config)# exit localhost# copy running-config startup-config

2022-03-07 · 1 min · Danesh Manoharan

Change Admin Password on Arista EOS

localhost> en localhost# conf localhost(config)# username admin secret supersecretpassword

2022-03-05 · 1 min · Danesh Manoharan

How to obtain the EOS version on a Arista switch router

Whether logging a support call or planning an upgrade, knowing your current running software version is crucial. Here’s two ways to quickly get the EOS version running on your Arista switch router. Option 1 Use the show version command. ([email protected]) Password: Last login: Thu Feb 24 15:33:07 2022 from SW01(s1)>en SW01(s1)#show version | grep Software Software image version: 4.18.5M SW01(s1)# Option 2 Use the base Linux OS ([email protected]) Password: Last login: Thu Feb 24 15:33:07 2022 from 192....

2022-02-24 · 1 min · Danesh Manoharan