Install Gcloud Cli on Archlinux

Install from the AUR yay google-cloud-cli Start a new terminal session or source the profile file. source /etc/profile.d/ Verify ❯ which gcloud /opt/google-cloud-cli/bin/gcloud ❯ gcloud version Google Cloud SDK 459.0.0 alpha 2024.01.06 beta 2024.01.06 bq 2.0.101 bundled-python3-unix 3.11.6 core 2024.01.06 gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0 gsutil 5.27

<span title='2024-01-21 20:23:18 -0600 -0600'>Published on 2024-01-21</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;<span title='2024-04-28 12:04:12 -0500 -0500'>Updated on 2024-04-28</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Danesh Manoharan

Disabling Google Analytics on Tdp

I don’t monetize this blog, so there is no need for Google Analytics tracking. I am running the papermod theme. Here’s how I disabled tracking on my blog. Edit the config.yml file. Comment out the Google analytics line. #googleAnalytics: G-6L9QBHWEKX Commit and wait for the pipeline to push out the changes. Verify that no Google tracking is getting picked up now.

<span title='2022-12-06 11:12:01 +0800 +0800'>Published on 2022-12-06</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;<span title='2024-04-28 12:04:12 -0500 -0500'>Updated on 2024-04-28</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Danesh Manoharan

Picasa Web Albums now 1GB

If you need more storage you will need to pay and I have the price list. See below. 7GB (25USD/year) 26GB (100USD/year) 101GB (300USD/year) 251GB (500USD/year) [Upgrade Storage][2] [Picasa Web Albums][3] [1]: /wp-content/uploads/2007/05/picasa-web1.png) [2]: [3]:

<span title='2007-05-19 11:25:09 +0000 UTC'>Published on 2007-05-19</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;<span title='2024-04-28 12:04:12 -0500 -0500'>Updated on 2024-04-28</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Danesh Manoharan