Finally managed to upgrade to WordPress 2.3.1 today. Needed quite a few tweaks here and there but everything seems to be holding togather now.

Over the next week I’ll be fine tuning the functionality side of things so expect to see some errors. Learning the whole new Tags phenomenon now ๐Ÿ™‚

For now these are the plug ins I have running on my shiny new WordPress installation.

  1. All in One SEO Pack
  2. Cforms II
  3. Defensio Anti-Spam
  4. FeedBurner FeedSmith
  5. Get Recent Comments
  6. Google XML Sitemaps
  7. My Dashboard
  8. Related Posts (Will be replaced by Simple Tags)
  9. Simple Tags
  10. Sociable
  11. Subscribe To Comments
  12. Tag Suggest Thing
  13. Ultimate Google Analytics
  14. WordPress Reports
  15. WordPress Reports Most Active Widget